AUTHOR: Marissa Meyer
RELEASE DATE: November 2015
PUBLISHER: Feiwel and Friends
PAGES: 827 pages
SERIES: The Lunar Chronicles
GENRE: Science Fiction, Fantasy
SUMMARY: In this fourth and final installment of the Lunar Chronicles, Winter is the stepdaughter of Levana, the queen of Luna. She refuses to use her Lunar gift to manipulate people after she, herself, was manipulated (by the queen) to create three hideous scars on her face. But those scars do not keep the Lunar people from completely adoring Princess Winter, and this upsets Queen Levana, who we know will do anything to get her way.
All of the characters of the Lunar Chronicles come together to defeat the evil Queen Levana and help Cinder reclaim her throne to Luna. But will they make it in time to stop Levana's wedding to Prince Kai and the coronation to the new Queen of the East Commonwealth?
FAVORITE QUOTE: "My point is that I am going to figure this out, like I always do. First, we're going to find a way to get into Artemisia. We're going to find Cress and rescue Cinder and Wolf. We're going to overthrow Levana, and by the stars above, we are going to make Cinder a queen so she can pay us a lot of money from her royal coffers and we can all retire very rich and very alive, got it?" All of the characters of the Lunar Chronicles come together to defeat the evil Queen Levana and help Cinder reclaim her throne to Luna. But will they make it in time to stop Levana's wedding to Prince Kai and the coronation to the new Queen of the East Commonwealth?
WHAT I LIKED: I loved each of the characters and how they all come together in this final book in the Lunar Chronicles series. I will admit that I absolutely loved Cinder, the first book in the series. Scarlet and Cress were good fillers, but I didn't LOVE them. However, book four, Winter, really brought it all together. It did not disappoint.
WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: I'm trying hard to find a way to explain what I did not like about this book without giving away major spoilers. If you have read Marissa Meyer's novella, Fairest, which is Levana's backstory, then you know what happened to the queen as a child. I don't like how the story of Winter refers to this and how it brings about the downfall of Levana. Are people really that superficial? That's all I'm going to say about the subject, if my explanation didn't make any sense, I apologize, but come back and reread it after you have finished the novel.
READALIKES: The Shadow Queen by C.J. RedwineWHAT I DIDN'T LIKE: I'm trying hard to find a way to explain what I did not like about this book without giving away major spoilers. If you have read Marissa Meyer's novella, Fairest, which is Levana's backstory, then you know what happened to the queen as a child. I don't like how the story of Winter refers to this and how it brings about the downfall of Levana. Are people really that superficial? That's all I'm going to say about the subject, if my explanation didn't make any sense, I apologize, but come back and reread it after you have finished the novel.
SERIES UPDATE: Stars Above: A Lunar Chronicles Collection due out February 2016